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When I first read the script for Serpentine Pink, I immediately felt that I was walking into a familiar landscape. Having grown up in New Mexico, the Joshua Tree setting where the story takes place (& where we shot) felt something like home. I wanted to take full advantage of harnessing the unique environment, using the colors, contours, and beauty of the land as a backdrop to the film. We framed shots around the natural landscape and also used in-camera effects to create a world that had its own defining mystery.

Having spent years in NYC as a theater director, I was excited to direct a film that had originated as a play, & up for the challenge

of bringing this beautiful, emotionally intense story to the screen. The plot revolves around a horrible incident that takes place within one night when a couple fight, & lays out the raw truth of two people who are in love but still hurt each other, & where neither is fully victim or perpetrator.

As a storyteller, I strove to be in service of these ideas, and to create thoughtful, engaging work around some disturbing subjects. I hope through Serpentine Pink we can break some barriers and encourage people up to face their own trauma.


© Wild Child Films, Vivian Sorenson

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